April 2024 – God’s Right-Hand Men

But Moses’ hands became heavy; so, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” (Exodus 17:12, NKJV).

I welcome you to the 4th month of the year of Divine Repositioning. Our target in the next six months in RCCG The Americas 1 is to win 200,000 souls to the Lord. The themes for the three preceding months were given to encourage and strengthen our hands for evangelism. January was “Divine Repositioning”, February’s was “The Day You Must Not Miss,” and March’s was “A Soldier of the Cross.” This month, we will study how to be God’s right-hand man or woman.

Studies of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, as well as studying the 2024 Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, teach us the following:

  1. You can have a right-hand man/woman: It is important to have a right-hand man or woman, particularly as a leader in any capacity. Therefore, you should identify such an individual if you have not yet done so. Exodus 17:12 portrays a vivid picture of the destiny-changing help Aaron and Hur provided to Moses in Joshua’s fight against the Amalekites. Likewise:
  2. Your right-hand man may be able to present a message more effectively to you than your personal understanding, as was true of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:13-14.  
  3. He or she can be the lifter of your hands, the one who will help you when your hands get weary, as we see with Aaron & Hur for Moses in Exodus 17:12.
  4. Such a person is willing to provide you comfort at the expense of his or her own and fight your battles when you are not there, like Joshua for Moses (Exodus 24:12-18).
  5. Your real right-hand man is one who, despite your closeness, will never take you for granted because of familiarity. He will faithfully speak on your behalf in your absence instead of against you like Jonathan for David (1 Samuel 19:4).
  6. Your right-hand man is one to whom you can entrust things and be sure that they will do what you want them to, as was true with Timothy for Paul (2 Timothy 2:2).
  7. You can be the right-hand man/woman for someone. “But Jehoshaphat said, is there not here a prophet of the LORD, that we may enquire of the LORD by him? And one of the king of Israel’s servants answered and said, here is Elisha, the son of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah.” (2 Kings 3:11).
  8. God can give you a right-hand man or have you serve as another fellow’s right-hand man. Neither of these positions is greater than the other because as long as you do your assignment as God intends it? He will reward you greatly. Joseph’s experiences in Egypt are a good example (Genesis 41:38).
  9. When Moses was leaving the world, God chose Joshua, Moses’ errand boy, to continue the work and lead the children of Israel to the Promised Land. He did not choose one of the elders nor the leader of any of the tribes in Israel (Exodus 24:12-15).
  10. You can be God’s right-hand man (1 Samuel 3:1-9). God’s right-hand man or woman is a person that can be called God’s darling. One of whom God can even boast about their relationship with Him like Job (Job 1:8), Abraham (Genesis 18:19), and the Apostle Paul (Romans 8:38-39). I pray that in this month, God will help you catch a glimpse of what it means to be His right-hand person. When you do, I pray that there will be an insatiable desire in you to see God’s intentions and plans for your life and destiny come to pass in Jesus’ mighty Name.

Being God’s Right-Hand Man

These are men and women that are:

  1. God’s mouthpiece – 1 Kings 18:36-37 contains Elijah’s prayer in the encounter with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.
  2. Always fire-driven – God’s plan for you is fresh fire anointing so you can be glowing, shining, radiant of health, and excited, and so you can fulfill destiny. Fire is what validates existence; it enforces purpose and guarantees an effective command of the future. The future is uncertain without it (Matthew 3:10-12; Revelation 3:15-16).
  3. God’s Yes-Men – They abide by absolute obedience, unlike Jonah (Jonah 1:2-3). Every right-hand man/woman of God learns to say “Yes, Lord” like the Apostle Paul (Acts 9:6). Yes-men are vigilant, living a life expectant of the coming of the Lord (Luke 12:37). They are men and women of integrity, living a life of no compromise (Matthe 5:37).  
  4. Always in the Spirit – “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit” Ephesians 5:18, AMPC.
  5. Focused – A dedication not to be disobedient to the heavenly vision (Acts 26:19); a face that is steadfastly set (Luke 9:51); making it the consuming passion and focus of one’s life.No one achieves greatness by becoming a generalist, regardless of whether your vision is to build a great family, great church, great business, or great at anything.
  6. Have immense joy – Psalm 16:11; Zephaniah 3:17; Revelation 19:7-9. What a wonderful marriage supper it will be for those redeemed by the precious blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19). Unfortunately, it will be a time of bitter remorse for those left outside as foolish virgins. Think solemnly about the fact that these are not atheists, agnostics, or grossly wicked people but church members, religious, respectable, good-living people!
  7.  Diligent and dependable – A diligent man is always ready like a fireman. Firemen are trained and equipped to fight fires and are in a constant state of readiness, even when they sleep. Likewise, we should be ever ready as we are certain of the coming of the Son of Man, even if we do not know the hour of His return.

Biblical Examples of God’s Right-Hand Men

God’s testimony about these men and women shows He held them in high esteem.

  • Moses: Numbers 12:6-8.
  • Abraham: Genesis 18:17-19.
  • David: Acts 13:22.
  • Mary: Luke 1:28.
  • Jesus Christ: Ephesians 1:19-21. Here, we see that God exalted Jesus above all others by seating Him at the right hand of the Father.
  • The Bible contains many more examples, such as Joshua, Peter, Paul, James, Mary Magdalene, Esther, Dorcas, Deborah, and Abigail. 


When God gives you right-hand men, they must be honored and never looked down upon. Great men know that to be successful, they must honor and take care of their right-hand men. You must show your right-hand men that you are just as committed to them as they are to you.

Joseph was Pharaoh’s right-hand man. When Joseph brought his people to Egypt, Pharaoh gave them Goshen, the best part of the land, to dwell in. David’s mighty men were in distress when he met them. However, when they became his right-hand men, they willingly risked their lives to get him the water he had longed to drink.

 You must show your commitment to your right-hand men whenever you have the opportunity. That will really go a long way in encouraging them. Even the LORD Jesus practices this in His dealings with us (Mark 10:30; Hebrews 6:10).


  • Father, I thank You for the sacrifice You made for us and the price You paid for us to be God’s right-hand men and women of God.
  • Lord, make me an encourager to my right-hand man/woman and help me to appreciate them sincerely, in Jesus’ Name. 
  • Lord, make me a Jonathan to every David in my spheres of influence, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Father, according to 1 Chronicles 12:22, please send me destiny lifters and encouragers daily, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Father, please connect me to the right-hand man You have prepared for me.
  • Lord, please assign me to be someone’s right-hand man. It would be a privilege for me. Help me to serve to the best of my capacity because there is great reward in it.
  • Holy Spirit of God, please blow over my life and situation to terminate the assignment of any contrary wind of life, in Jesus’ Name. Help me to fulfill God’s assignment for my destiny, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Lord, please provide my brothers and sisters in Christ with whatever they need to fulfill their ministry. They will not die along the way but will instead return with joy, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Father, whatever it will take for me to succeed, please release on me; be it anointing, skills to be acquired along the way, or any other help, send my way, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Thank You, Father, because I will not fail You as a right-hand man, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.